Letter From the Editors: We’re So Back!

September 5, 2024, by Caleb Henning, Carolyn Neugarten, Editors-in-Chief. Leave a Comment

Hello friends of The Argus!  Welcome (back) to Wesleyan! As the chill of the fall descends upon campus, so does our reign descend upon The Argus. We are very excited to be serving as your Editors-in-Chief (EICs) for Fall 2024! We want to thank our predecessors Anne Kiely ’24 and Executive Editor Sam Hilton ’25 […]

Letter From the Editors: Gratitude, Reflections, and a Request for the Reader

May 6, 2024, by Anne Kiely, Sam Hilton, Editors-in-Chief. 7 Comments

Dearest readers, We begin this letter with our thanks. This semester, we’ve seen an incredible amount of engagement and discussion at The Argus. In our letter to you all at the start of the semester, we declared a goal of making this newspaper a forum for dialogue about campus issues, and we’re so glad that […]

Wesleyan Chapter of the AAUP Statement on John B. Frank

May 6, 2024, by Wesleyan AAUP, Contributors. Leave a Comment

The Wesleyan Chapter of the AAUP and the undersigned express our anger and frustration at the University’s response to the alleged actions of John B. Frank, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, who has been accused of sexually inappropriate conduct towards a student worker at the Board’s February 2023 retreat. We identify three related […]

CEAS FLTAs—A Correction

May 6, 2024, by Kaili Shi, Nao Tsujii, Takeshi Watanabe, Yerim Kim, Contributing Writers. Leave a Comment

“Wesleyan Graduate Students Continue Union Drive Despite Delay in University Response,” published on May 2, 2024, states: “Though their visas cap the amount of hours they can work in a week to 20, many FLTAs—especially those in the College of East Asian Studies—routinely go over this limit.” The interviewed FLTAs are teaching in other departments, […]

On the Creation of WesGLU: Should FLTAs Be Able To Unionize?

April 29, 2024, by Marcos Alcázar Estrella, Thomas Annebicque, Contributing Writers. 1 Comment

Dear members of the Wesleyan Community, On April 22nd, the graduate students at Wesleyan University delivered a letter to President Michael Roth’s office announcing the formation of our Wesleyan Graduate Labor Union (WesGLU) in partnership with the OPEIU Local 153. The OPEIU already represents a major portion of the campus workforce, including all Physical Plant […]

In Defense of Free Speech

April 29, 2024, by Blake Fox, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

On Sunday, April 28, 2024, the student group Wesleyan University Students for Justice in Palestine organized an encampment [as] part of a national movement in protest against Israeli actions in Gaza. The protest also calls for Wesleyan University to divest from companies profiting from the war between Israel and Hamas. Wesleyan is now part of […]

Announcing Wesleyan Faculty for Justice in Palestine

April 25, 2024, by Wesleyan Faculty for Justice in Palestine, Contributing Writers. Leave a Comment

In solidarity with scholars, activists, and Palestinian advocates worldwide, we announce the founding of Wesleyan Faculty for Justice in Palestine [(FJP)]. We define ‘faculty’ broadly, encompassing all who work to make education available at Wesleyan, including tenure-track and tenured faculty, professors of the practice, visiting professors, postdoctoral scholars, program coordinators, and staff. We join over […]

Five Reasons to Do Advocacy Work This Summer

April 25, 2024, by Anya Kisicki, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

There’s something about a lovely liberal arts college up on a hill that arouses political awareness without stimulating political participation. It’s like there’s an invisible barrier that keeps students from activating their political ideals through advocacy or political work in the public sphere. I like to call this the ‘snow globe effect.’ As an alum who taught middle school for a year before returning to Wes for […]

Saying No

April 22, 2024, by Zoe Hecht, Contributing Writer. 1 Comment

Two days ago, I joined members of SJP to unfurl banners with messages of Palestinian solidarity at a Wesfest event. President Roth somehow spun our demonstration into another pitch for Wesleyan’s embrace of democratic learning and Roth’s own magnanimity. Afterwards, an individual told me that they were impressed by the fact that Roth had invited […]

Response to “‘Small Mouth Sounds’ Was Freaking Awesome”

April 4, 2024, by Elizabeth Laurence, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

Nina Jakobson’s senior capstone project ‘Small Mouth Sounds’ was really awesome but I would like to bring light to the elements of the production that the last Argus article failed to mention. I was the only actor not included in the original article, or rather I was alluded to as “Kieran’s possible love interest.” I […]

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