Caleb Henning

Caleb (he/him) is an economics and French Studies double major with a certificate in applied data science. Previously, he was a head layout editor, Arts & Culture editor, copy editor, and financial manager for The Argus. He enjoys investigating and reporting on crimes in the area. Outside of The Argus, he is a Writing Workshop tutor and a Quantitative Analysis Center tutor.

Carolyn Neugarten

Carolyn (she/her) is a junior from New York majoring in the College of Letters (COL). This is her third year writing for The Argus, where she has enjoyed interviewing professors and covering student activism and local Middletown stories. Apart from The Argus, she is a student researcher for the COL department, writes for the Wesleyan Athletics website, and occasionally moonlights as a genealogy record digitizer. She does not approve of her friends using Argi as giftwrap, even though she does.

Phoebe Robinson

Managing Editor
Phoebe (she/her) is a College of Social Studies and French major who enjoys coffee, diagramming sentences, and telling people to watch ’90s supernatural drama mystery series Twin Peaks.

Sam Hilton

Executive Editor
Sam (he/him) is a double major in history and religion, lives in Austin, Texas, and has worked on the paper since Fall 2021. He is also an Office Assistant for the Office of Student Involvement, a Wesleyan Interfaith Literacy and Diversity (WILD) intern, and a member of the Alpha Delta Phi (ADPhi) literary society. In his spare time, Sam enjoys maps, politics, and anything to do with the history of Texas.

Sabrina Ladiwala

Executive Editor
Sabrina (she/her) is a second semester senior from Boston, Mass. who is majoring in Molecular Biology & Biochemistry and science and technology studies. She’s been involved with The Argus since her first year and has covered many on-campus theater shows as well as Zilkha exhibitions and music events. Outside of The Argus, you can find her in her research lab or on stage as a director, actor, and singer!

Elias Mansell

Executive Editor
During his four years on The Argus, Elias (he/him) has served as Editor-in-Chief, Head Copy Editor, and News Editor, frequently covering campus health, administrative changes, and the Wesleyan Student Assembly. He graduated last year with a B.A. in astronomy, classics, and the College of Letters, and is currently pursuing an M.A. in astronomy. He spends the majority of his time staring at rings of dust and gas around distant stars, wondering about grammar and stylistic conventions, and agonizing over graduate school applications.

Amanda Ding

Production Manager
Amanda Ding (she/her) is double majoring in psychology and English. She joined The Argus layout team in freshman year, and has never looked back. She is a member of the Taiwanese Student Association, the Wesleyan Film Board, and dances with KDC. You may summon her with a poetry book or a loaf of sourdough bread.

Arla Hoxha

Production Manager
Arla is a senior double majoring in the College of Letters and economics. She has been working with The Argus since her first semester at Wesleyan. In her free time, she lays out other publications on campus, enjoys weird speculative fiction and attempts to translate poetry–to varying degrees of success.

Miles Craven

News Editor
Miles Craven (he/him) is a CSS major from Los Angeles, Calif. This is his second year on the paper. In his free time he enjoys hiking and writing news stories from his favorite coffee shop, Perkatory.

Spencer Landers

News Editor
Spencer (he/him) is a junior English/history major from Tokyo, Japan. He mostly writes about news on campus and is excited to cover whatever is going on at Wesleyan. Apart from The Argus, Spencer enjoys baseball, intramural sports, and playing the piano.

Anabel Goode

Assistant News Editor
Anabel (she/her) is a prospective history and government major and loves writing about current events and their impact on Wesleyan. She is really interested in covering the upcoming election cycle for The Argus. Anabel is from Los Angeles, Calif. but loves watching Philadelphia sports (Go Birds!).

Sida Chu

Features Editor
Science & Research Coordinator
Sida is a history and theater double major from a little-known part of China that is roughly equivalent to the American Midwest. On campus, she works as a writing tutor and also contributes to Wesleyan’s global marketing efforts. She has been involved with The Argus since Fall 2022 and is excited to help steward the new Science & Research section this year (despite still not figuring out the imperial measurement system… shhh). In her free time, Sida enjoys reading, traveling, and savoring her daily cup of black coffee..

Sophie Jager

Features Editor
Sophie (she/her) is a senior government and English major from Manchester, Vt. She plays classical guitar, leads the Outing Club, and works as a digital producer for various Vermont political campaigns. She’s worked in different positions on The Argus since her freshman year, most recently as Managing Editor and Opinion Editor, and is happy to be back!

Thomas Lyons

Assistant Features Editor
Podcast Editor
Thomas (he/him) has got a lot of ideas. He nearly became an IDEAS major until he almost failed a required course on mechanical engineering. These days, he’s stoked to feature and defeature, as he engages with Wesleyan and Middletown personalities. Thomas is not concerned about the journalistic ethics involved in simultaneously running the University’s independent humor magazine, The John Wesley Methodist Charter, though someone should probably look into that. A College of Social Studies junior, Thomas knows at once too much and seemingly nothing about Rousseau. Outside of The Argus office, Thomas rocks pretty hard with some Wesleyan bands, cooks the books for the Wesleyan Outdoors Club, performs stand up comedy, tours prospective students, and dreams of one day driving the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile for a living.

Janhavi Munde

Assistant Features Editor
Photo Editor
Janhavi (she/her) is majoring in the College of Letters and government, with a minor in human rights advocacy. She likes reading poetry, gender theory, and anything historical or revisionist. She covers features, more specifically international student news, cultural clubs, and From the Argives pieces. Outside of The Argus she does research for the Center for Prison Education, SHAKTI events and performances, teaches sex education with ASHA, and is involved with the OISA as an International Student Orientation Leader.

Sulan Bailey

Arts & Culture Editor
Sulan (she/her) is a senior from New York City, pursuing a double major in history and Film Studies. She is also the Head Resident of the Butterfields, a co-chair of the history majors committee, and an Office Assistant in the Office of Student Involvement. She also enjoys crocheting, listening to true crime audiobooks, and watching borderline unhealthy amounts of television (including 16 seasons of reality TV since the start of 2024)!

Carter Appleyard

Assistant Arts & Culture Editor
Podcast Manager
Carter (he/him) is a sophomore majoring in government and economics. This is his first semester working for The Argus, and in his spare time, Carter enjoys reading, playing the piano, and lying in bed. His favorite fruit is an avocado.

Louis Chiasson

Assistant Arts & Culture Editor
Louis (he/him) is a film and English major from Wellesley, MA. He started working on The Argus last year and is very excited to continue on that journey! Outside of The Argus, Louis can be found wistfully musing or perhaps ambling along.

Maggie Smith

Assistant Arts & Culture Editor
Maggie (she/her) is a prospective history major and French minor originally from New Orleans, Louisiana. She loves to spend her time exploring the Wesleyan Argives and attending art events on campus. Outside of The Argus, you can catch Maggie running for the Wesleyan cross country and track teams and watching movie marathons with her friends.

Akhil Joondeph

Opinion Editor
Community Manager
Akhil (he/they) is a dance and anthropology major who has been a member of The Argus since his first semester at Wesleyan. On campus, Akhil dances with Fusion, works as a research assistant for the Wesleyan Media Project, is a member of Psi Upsilon, and can be spotted drinking black coffee at all hours of the day. He loves personal essays and hot takes, and can’t wait for another opinionated semester.

Julia Schroers

Opinion Editor
Julia (she/her) is a College of Social Studies major and a Jewish studies minor from Connecticut. She has been involved with The Argus since her freshman year. In addition to The Argus, she is a member of the Wesleyan debate team and enjoys listening to podcasts and caring for her houseplants.

Zara Skolnik

Opinion Editor
Zara (she/her) is a double major in psychology and English with a minor in education studies. This will be Zara’s fifth semester as a member of The Argus. Outside of The Argus, Zara is a Wesleyan Interfaith Literacy and Diversity (WILD) intern and also enjoys reading books on Foss Hill. Zara looks forward to another semester full of hot takes, personal stories, and exciting columns!

Lily Ahluwalia

Ampersand Editor
Lily (she/her) is a College of Social Studies major and human rights advocacy minor. Outside of The Argus, she does improv and stand-up comedy.

Sylvia Maxwell

Assistant Ampersand Editor
Sylvia (she/her) is a neuroscience & behavior major who was lured to the Ampersand section by its witty and laughable nature. When she is not writing something goofy and profound, Sylvia can be found studying thirteen-lined ground squirrels who hibernate in Hall-Atwater or perusing Pinterest for WesBurlesque inspiration. In her free time, Sylvia likes to listen to Trixie and Katya’s podcast, play guitar, and tend to her Sims.

Max Forstein

Sports Editor
Assistant Copy Editor
Max (he/him) is a College of Social Studies major from Moorestown, N.J. (just outside Philadelphia). He has been writing for The Argus since his first week on campus, and he is looking forward to year two! When not writing, editing, or copying, Max is busy taking photos at various athletic events, hucking frisbees to his heart’s content, or trying his best to be an academic weapon in the classroom.

Ethan Lee

Sports Editor
Ethan Lee (he/him), originally from Nyack, N.Y., is a junior and physics major with an interest in environmental science. He has been writing for The Argus since the fall of his first year and is looking forward to covering the Cardinals again this year! Outside of The Argus office, you can find him playing a slew of intramural sports at a subpar level or working at the Sustainability Office as a compost intern.

Erin Byerly

Sports Editor
Erin (she/her) is a government and American Studies double major from Glen Ridge, N.J. She loves writing about anything related to Wesleyan athletics as well as occasional hot takes about the NFL (go birds). Outside of The Argus, she is a member of Rho Epsilon Pi, does research for the Government Department, and enjoys convincing her non-sports friends to attend football and ice hockey games with her.

Sam Weitzman-Kurker

Sports Editor
Sam (he/him) is a psychology major with a keen interest in the psychological aspect of sports. The fall is his favorite sports season and he’s looking forward to covering multiple NESCAC titles. He loves numbers, golfing, playing games, and really any competition.

Audrey Nelson

Assistant Sports Editor
Audrey (she/her) is a senior anthropology major from the Seattle area. She began writing for The Argus during her sophomore year and spent her junior year working on the podcast. When she’s not writing about women’s sports, Audrey spends her time watching/playing basketball, eating dessert, and reading/writing romance novels.
Francisca Wijaya

Web Editor
Podcast Co-Host
Francisca (she/her) is a prospective computer science major from Jakarta, Indonesia. She enjoys traveling to new places, singing, and unwinding with a good comedy crime or rom-com show. Whether she’s exploring a new destination or finding a new favorite series, she’s always up for a bit of adventure and a catchy tune.

Ella Matthews

Podcast Co-Host
Ella (she/her) is a junior, majoring in anthropology and human rights advocacy. She loves doing ceramics, cooking and baking, as well as reading! In addition to this, she absolutely loves chatting hence being the podcast co-host, and she loves hot takes even more, so look out for those.🌟

Peyton De Winter

Head Layout Editor
Photo Editor
Peyton is a prospective English and government major from just outside San Francisco, California who joined The Argus in Fall 2023. When not asleep, they can be found going through the now extensive catalogue of NYT games, listening to music, and raving over the Oxford comma.

Mia Kurta

Head Layout Editor
Mia (she/her) is a double major in physics and economics. This is her fourth year laying out The Argus! She is proficient in Adobe InDesign.

Anna Thomas

Head Copy Editor
Anna (she/her) is a sophomore and prospective English major from Westchester, N.Y. Outside of The Argus, she enjoys playing ultimate frisbee, obsessively updating her Goodreads, listening to Noah Kahan, and spending all her points on chai chargers.

Hannah Langer

Assistant Head Copy Editor
Hannah was drawn to The Argus because it was the only place where her grammar nerd instincts would be recognized and celebrated instead of shunned. She is an English major interested in literary criticism. In her spare time, she plays Balkan folk music on accordion, sings in the group Slavei, and helps program the Film Series.

Lily Faith-Goldfine

Financial Manager
Lily (she/her) is an economics and Film Studies double major from Brooklyn, N.Y. In her free time, she enjoys watching documentaries, practicing jiu-jitsu, and building Lego sets.

Lily Faith-Goldfine

Financial Manager
Cindy (she/her) likes to play volleyball, collect board games, and draw. Her favorite games are Munchkin and FIB-OR-NOT, both of which involve a copious amount of talking. In her free time, Cindy enjoys the comfort of her bed or hangs out with friends.
Rose Chen

Foreign Correspondent
Rose (she/they) is a creative writing and French Studies double major, and is abroad in Paris this semester. She has been working on The Argus since Fall 2022 and also writes for the Wesleyan Connection. According to an inside source, Rose can reliably be bribed with pastries and cold brew. Serious inquiries only.
